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Carron Throttle Manual Radiator Valve | Angled Manual | Chrome

Throttle 1/2" | Manual Angled Radiator Valve | Chrome | Carron

SKU: LD201

The Carron Throttle Manual Radiator Valve has a unique look with the distinctive Throttle Wheelhead. 15mm inlet requires a 1/2" Radiator Bush. Finished in classic Chrome with matching accessories available.





Each radiator/towel rail requires one valve set. A thermostatic valve is self-regulating, and controls the temperature of the radiator/towel rail by changing the amount, or flow, of hot water in to the radiator/towel rail. The second type of valve is a manual valve. Simply put, the user rotates or twists the valve to increase or decrease the amount of hot water coming in to the radiator/towel rail.

  • We recommend all TRV's are installed on the flow, rather than the return pipework of a radiator. When used in conjunction with a system automatic bypass valve, this thermostatic valve can be installed on either the flow or return in any orientation. System automatic bypass valves are a specific building regulation requirement for all new installations and boiler upgrades. All bi-directional TRV's from any manufacturer require the bypass valve to function correctly and thus avoid radiator hammer.

  • Check out our blog detailing the different types of radiator valve fittings and find out which one is best for your pipes:

£142.00 Regular Price
£119.99Sale Price

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