Decoral 97 Raw | 407mm | Aluminium Radiator | MHS
The new Deoral 97 Raw offers a contemporary industrial look. The pure metal finish is set beneath a deep lacquer that exposes the manufacturing marks, providing a unique and bespoke appearance for each radiator.
- Delivery takes up to 3-5 days
- 10 years guarantee
- Aluminium material
- comes in 92 sizes
Height 407mm Sections Width (mm) Heat Output at 50 (W) Heat Output at 50 (BTU) Dry Weight (kg) Water Content (L) 3 260 277 945 3.36 0.72 4 340 370 1262 4.48 0.96 5 420 462 1576 5.60 1.20 6 500 554 1890 6.72 1.44 7 580 647 2208 7.84 1.68 8 660 739 2521 8.96 1.92 9 740 832 2839 10.08 2.16 10 820 924 3153 11.20 2.40 11 900 1016 3467 12.32 2.64 12 980 1109 3784 13.44 2.88 13 1060 1201 4098 14.56 3.12 14 1140 1294 4415 15.68 3.36 15 1220 1386 4729 16.80 3.60 16 1300 1478 5043 17.92 3.84 17 1380 1571 5360 19.04 4.08 18 1460 1663 5674 2.016 4.32 19 1540 1756 5991 21.28 4.56 20 1620 1848 6305 22.40 4.80 21 1700 1940 6619 23.52 5.04 22 1780 2033 6937 24.64 5.28 23 1860 2125 7251 25.76 5.52 24 1940 2218 7568 26.88 5.76 25 2020 2310 7882 28.00 6.00